Thursday, January 13, 2011

What has 8 legs and lives in the ocean?

Ella tried out the OCTOPUS!  This is her reaction...

(We went to a Chinese Restaurant so Ella can experience the food and to speak Chinese to the servers)


Wendi said...

Funny!! She's a brave kid. Love it!

Janika said...

LOL! Poor girl! I should turn you two in to CPS! ;) I guess it's safe to say she will not be ordering octopus again?! I would LOVE to hear her speak Chinese!

JaLesha said...

HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! (I wish that could be bigger!) I am SOOOOO laughing out loud right now!!! I LOOOVE that you got that all on camera! HYSTERICAL! Way to be brave Ella! My whole family is adventurous when it comes to eating but I don't think I'd put THAT thing in my mouth!

How did she do with her Chinese? That's awesome!!! I agree with Janika, that'd be so fun to hear her speak! Ryan might be learning Mandarin soon for work. Maybe we could all get together sometime and cook Chinese food and have our own little party or something and she could teach us some stuff. :o) Too bad we JUST missed Chinese New Year! We could have done it for that!
(Oh, and don't listen to Janika too much. She's just a wuss when it comes to seafood!!!)