Monday, January 12, 2009

Boy... I'm Quirky!

Alright... This has been one of my "tag" forever ago so I'm doing it now. I have to reveal 6 of my quirkiness... so here ya go.

1.) I ALWAYS eat around my sandwiches, hamburgers, etc. The middle part is the best and I had to save it till the end.

2.) I unload everything out of the dishwasher onto the counter before I put them away... it drives my dad crazy sometimes.

3.) If I'm eating Lucky Charms cereal... I would eat all the cereal part first and save the marshmallows for last... I love how the marshmallows tasted just by itself.

4.) When handeling raw meats... I wash my hands like 5 times before, during, and after handling it. The idea of getting Samonella or E coli freaks me out.

5.) If I start on a project... I absolutely HAVE to finish it... or else it will never get done.

6.) I hate tomatos but I LOVE salsa! Even fresh ones!

I tag anyone who has never done this before.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG!! WE are TWINS! I do the same exact thing! Lucky Charms and all, of this is too funny! LOL.