Friday, January 9, 2009

There once was a snow man...

Ella has always wanted to make a snowman... so we dressed up in our snow clothes and head out to the park (I dont have a back yard for us to play in). Thank goodness it was so nice today and the kids played for a good half hour till their fingers froze.

Ella sporting out her new snow clothes that Santa brought over to her.

Coleman checking out the snow... this is his first time out playing in the snow and surprisingly he really enjoyed it!
Ella trying to make a snow angel out of the hard snow.
Coleman wants to try it out too.
The snow was pretty pathetic to play in but we found a big hill of snow that the snow plows made and decided to climb on it and slide all the way down was a lot of fun! Ella going down!!
Coleman's turn! He thought this was fun and keeps saying again and again!

Snow Buddies

Ella has been dying to go out and make a snowman... I thought we would be getting fresh snow this morning and will be able to make a good snowman... unfortunately the weather changes its mind (which I have NO problem with having a SUNNY, BLUE skies!!) so the snow was too hard and it was not packing well to make a ball so we improvised by making a snowman by drawing it in the snow and put carrot for nose, rocks for eyes, pine cones for buttons, pumpkin seeds for the mouth and at last Christmas tree branches for the arms. Ella was happy with the finished work... eventually we will have to make a REAL snowman.We had a great time playing in the snow... Ella was happy and Coleman was all pooped from playing.


Staci said...

And I thought you don't like snow huh? lol Cute pictures!

We are the Terry's!!! said...

I don't... I did it for my kids. :)